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Tidbits of Inspiration

A collection of inspiration.  I believe we have yet to achieve our true potential.  It is out ability to take chances and be wrong that makes us unique.  Here are a few ideas that may change the way you think.

Clifford Stoll on… everything

Ken Robinson, Schools and our Kids

Wes Jackson: Truth about Sustainable Agriculture

All for Paper

Just a quick thought that is running through my mind.

Money, paper, currency, gold.  We work for money with which we use to acquire our needs and wants.   We have designed a society that must continuously work, not just to make money but so that we may pay our bills.

A civilization designed with money in mind.  A society seeking greater riches.  The system seems to lack something.   I think we are missing the point, it is like we have been blinded by ourselves.  Its as if we allowed money, which is only a means of exchange, to be our most sought after possession.

What if we wake up and find that our paper, gold, and money were not worth our earth.   What will we say to our grandchildren.  What shall we tell them happened to their planet.  What shall we say when they ask us “Why we stood silent and did nothing?”.

A sense of urgency fills my soul, trepidation.    I hope that we can find our way.  To be part of the solution.   To see our error our folly.   We must find others who feel the same.   To unite humanity and solve this riddle once and for all.

But these are just thoughts, just ideas.     I am not sure it is possible, I’ve been told I should stop.   I’m told I am crazy, I am told we cannot change the ways of the world.   Then I ponder how a species in truly does saves itself.

Ideas for our Future

I have been developing an idea of how we begin to solve our problems. I would appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism, as I believe this is an issue we need to focus on. I would be happy to elaborate on any of the points, I have tried to condense this to make it more simple.

We currently operate in a system that relies upon resources and stored energy from the earth in order to provide the needs and the wants of society. This system much different than any others in nature.  We humans of industrialized nations, take energy transform this energy into something we want, and then bury that item essentially wasting its embodied energy. This does not differ from any item we use; plastic, coal, nuclear waste, ect. ect. So we have a massive energy dump, where we make substances that can never be re-used by any part of nature.

The major concern is that our resources are becoming scarce and soon ( next 50 years at best) we will be faced with shortages of every major fossil fuel on this planet. At that point, when supplies can no longer meet demand, we will be forced to make a decision. Do we continue our current path or choose to change our ways?

I believe that if we are to save our species, we must begin to learn from nature. We must begin to utilize the designs that nature has perfected. If we can redesign our systems to mimic nature we can use less energy, and materials and begin to create systems that are cyclical in nature.  Here is an uplifting video.

If we can become sustainable creatures on this planet we can at the same time solve a myriad of other issues. If we can use our technology to better society we can provide; food, water, shelter to everyone with little effort. At this point we are truly free, we will never need a large government, bank, corporation or any other centralized power entity.

See when you allow power to concentrate, in a corporation, government or bank. You will always have people who come and try to get some of that power, it is our nature. Therefor, the idea that we can allow governments, corporations or banks to amass the power that they have and not become corrupt is the very definition of insanity.

Our planet changes constantly most organisms use little energy, elements and effort in providing the things they need or want. We must begin to mimic nature, we must see through the divisive nature of politics and religion and realize that we all want the same basic things. That we have been divided for so long and controlled by so few. It is time we find our voices and realize our true potential.

The solution to our problems is for our communities, businesses and households to become self sustaining. If we begin to produce our food, energy and shelter locally we do not need these large systems. It will take businesses to lead the way, it will take communities to support these businesses. It will take new ways of thinking and new technologies like the link in this post.

I believe the 99% has been controlled by the 1%, that we have pillaged our planet and its resources for the accumulation of the medium of exchange, money. We forgot the meaning of money, a medium of exchange, and instead viewed this medium as a possession.

When energy becomes our medium of exchange we will begin to understand our real problem. Visit the Urban Farm section to see my idea of a way we can become part of the solution.